
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Royal Enfield Chopper in progress...Continues

I started to rebuild my springer. It has lots of free play here and there and those springer rods are bend little bit + they have bad threads. What I found from internet, were little bit too short for me also, so I decided to do them by myself. I will do Sugar Bear style rockers to springer too. More about that later.

Old ones

First I did some lathe job to axle steel bar

I read this trick, that you can put thread cutter directly to tailstock, tighten it and then just rotate chuck by had. Did not work for me, thread cutter does not stay at place.

I had to keep cutter still with other hand, add little bit pressure from back and rotate chuck by hand.

Worked! Only 3 more left. This is good method, since you get cutter straight to bar.

One side ready.

Then I did some spacer, so that the upper springs don´t move when tightened. First I cutted away some stuff from bigger nut with lathe.

Then took material out from too narrow spacer

Here they are, ready to be together. 

I am happy with results.

Fits fine. Also modified nut goes inside the spring, so it keeps it straight

There they are. Have to do something for the bottom end of the upper spring also, so it stays in line.

Here is pictures of my new hard tail. It is made from 25*3mm hydraulic tube & TIG welded together.

Yes. We did had a jig...

And here it is, all welded & ready to go with me. We did errors that much, that instead of using about 3 meters of tube, we used at least 5 meters! Errors happened and WILL happen in future also!

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